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NVQ Health and Safety Qualifications Online with Reddish Training

Duration of the Health and Safety Qualification Online

You have between 12-24 months of support from your allocated tutor to complete the NVQ Health and Safety Qualifications. The total duration of the NVQ health and safety qualifications online are dependent on the time you have available. Candidates achieve their qualification from 3 months – 24 months. Your allocated experienced tutor will work with you to ensure you meet the assessment criteria of the health and safety qualifications online.

Support for the NVQ Health and Safety Qualification

You between 12- 24 months to complete, however candidates can achieve their qualification from three months. Besides this, you have unlimited support during this time and can contact your tutor by telephone, email or via the online portal most importantly seven days a week. Our resources in the elearning platform are designed to help you gather the evidence that you need to demonstrate your competence.

Assessment for this Health and Safety Qualification Online

To achieve the NVQ health and safety qualification you must demonstrate your competency, knowledge and understanding by completing the mandatory units.  Most importantly the qualification allows you to learn, develop and practice skills required for employment and/or career progression at your own pace. We will identify your requirements at commencement therefore we can work with you to ensure customer satisfaction.


We will enrol you to our health and safety elearning portal within 24 hours. Assessment for the NVQ health and safety qualifications are by the production of a personal portfolio demonstrating your knowledge and meeting the standards at the different levels as per each qualification specification.

You upload your work to the elearning portal, this could be work based products, knowledge questions, witness statements, reflective accounts (you will find the same evidence can be used multiple times throughout your NVQ)

  • Your tutor will guide you through the health and safety qualification providing constructive feedback until you have demonstrated your competence
  • One of our internal quality assurers will check your evidence to ensure it meets qualification specification to prevent delays at the end when awaiting certification
  • If your portfolio has any gaps your tutor will advise and together they can be rectified
  • Your portfolio is verified by the Awarding Body to ensure a high standard is met and they are satisfied with our assessment decisions
  • Once it has been externally verified we will post you your certificate

Membership to IOSH

The NVQ health and safety qualifications are all recognised by IOSH and on enrolment, you can join IOSH.

NVQ Health and Safety Qualifications We Offer;

Management & Leadership Qualifications

Diversity and Inclusion Qualification


Management & Leadership Qualifications

Mental Health First Aid Qualification


Health & Safety Qualifications

NVQ Level 5 Health and Safety


Construction NVQs

Asbestos Awareness Online


Health & Safety Qualifications

Level 3 Health and Safety NVQ


Health & Safety Qualifications

Level 6 NVQ Health and Safety
